

Housing type: Regency Deluxe Suite
Check-in time: * Check-out time: *
Booking rooms: × 3028Yuan × 0 Day =0Yuan Number:
Other requirements of the hotel front desk staff will do everything to try to meet the

Booking Contact Information(Please fill in, otherwise the system will not be accepted)

Name: * Title:
Document type: ID Number:
Mobile: * E-mail: *
Priority Contact: We will give priority to use this method to confirm reservation information with your

Information in person(If you fill out the following, can save the time of registration check)

  Booking contact is in the people
Room: Room1 Name: *
Document type: ID Number: *
Mobile: *

Payment(Without credit card guarantee in advance, rooms can be reserved until 18:00 pm the same day)

Credit cards: Card Number:
Name: Period:
  In addition to deposit paid or a valid credit card guarantee all reservations are held until the day 2:00 pm, if the guest fails to confirm before 2:00 pm the same day guarantee, the hotel will be canceled and the right to resell the room without prior notice.

Confirmation and submit order

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